The Pack

Briana Flores

Briana is our cofounder and the “frontline” to HUMBLEK9. She handles all scheduling and invoicing for our . However, Briana is no newcomer to the animal world. Her journey started 23 years ago at the young age of 18 working with S.E.A.A.C.A (South East Area Animal Control Authority). She has since fostered for many reputable rescues and is known in the rescue world as the “Doggy Doula Supreme”, she helps mama doggies deliver their babies, teaches other fosters how to help assist in births, and cares for newborns with and without their mamas. She has bottle fed countless orphaned animals including dogs, cats, and even opossums.

Briana has shown her unwavering commitment to animals throughout her life. At one point she was given permission to adopt a “pit bull type dog” by her landlord, then 2 weeks later was told she had 30 days to get rid of the dog or move (as a single mother w/ 2 dogs and a child). Rather than breaking up her family by giving up her dogs, she fought daily to recycle cans and save as much money as she could to find and afford a home WITH her dogs. Once Briana puts her mind to something, she makes it happen.

Briana has a love for the bully breeds. They have saved her life in more ways than one. She has a bully pack of her own, topped off with a Tiny Diamond Pug/Shih Tzu. Briana also works for I Stand With My Pack and is the director of the “Ipittythebull” Foundation. She is passionate about animal welfare and completing families by adding the RIGHT fur baby to their homes. She is a full time mother, wife, dog owner, multiple business owner, and rescuer, so she understands all of the possible challenges that may arise when bringing a new member into the family and uses this knowledge to help guide her adopters.

John Flores

John Flores is the founder of the IPittytheBull Foundation as well as, HumbleK9. He has been rehabbing dogs for the past 10 years which has included fostering all breeds of dogs as well as medical cases. He was also a trainer for the Pawsitive Change Program which helps teach inmates to become dog trainers when they are released.