Clarabella – “Why are you taking this dog? Is she yours?”

Clarabella - “Why are you taking this dog? Is she yours?”

ClarabellaIn the short time I’ve been fostering, it seems that after I adopt out one of my dogs, everyone tells me to “take a break” but this is my life now. You can’t take a break from “life”. The term “busy” becomes irrelevant and at the end of the day, you make time for what you want to make time for and if there’s a sick dog I can help, you better believe I’m going to make time for that pup. With that being said, I want you all to meet the new foster. And to keep the Beatles theme going, I have named her, Clarabella. Here’s her story…so far.

After Jude got adopted, I immediately talked to one of the Priceless Pets directors, Mandy Stover, and let her know I was ready for another foster. I had one empty room for a medical case and I wanted to fill it. She basically let me pick. Enter Clarabella.

From her pics, she actually didn’t look that bad. I could tell she had hair missing and I was informed about her severe flea allergies. For some reason, she just spoke to me and she was going to be the new foster over here.

When I saw her in person, this poor girl was skin and bones. She was a lot smaller than she looked in her pics and she was nervous about everything. Poor girl has either lived on the streets her whole life or had a pretty crappy owner who abused her. Neither one of those scenarios is a way for a dog to live. Of course, my heart broke and I told the girl at the pound I was pulling her. I remember the girl asking me, “Why are you taking this dog? Is she yours?” When I told her, no, she looked at clarabella_bl_3me and said, “Don’t take this wrong but why are you taking her? She’s a mess and nobody is going to adopt her.” I simply replied, “That’s EXACTLY why I’m taking her.” I’m gonna rehab her, get her healthy and give her a chance at being the dog she never got the chance at being.” The girl’s eyes welled up and she said, “This is the best thing I’m going to hear all day. Thank you.”

Clarabella is going to be a challenge, to say the least. This won’t be a Jude story. She’s scared of life. However, I refuse to feel sorry for her. What’s in her past is her past and she’s here now. You cannot help anyone if you feel sorry for them so while I will show Clarabella my love and how to be a dog again, I will also teach her manners and how to respect a human being. As the scabs on her body heal, so will her heart. And for every pound she gains back, she will slowly begin to trust humans. It’s all about baby steps with her and I’m fully prepared to hold her paw through this transition. As always, I will keep weekly updates with all of you on her progress and will take you along this adventure with me!

So welcome to “Foster Farms” aka “The Penny and Elvis Center for Rehab”, Clarabella! Penny, Elvis, Wally and I will get you better. We have a pretty short but impressive track record to prove it. The worst part of your life is over, sweet girl. I won’t let you down. I promise.



  1. OMG I love her already! Thank you for sharing her with us and for taking the time out of your very busy days to blog for all of us. I love reading your stories. It is the bright spot in what is such a huge problem of unwanted dogs in this world. The exchange you had with the girl at the pound speaks volumes! Welcome Clarabella. You are in the best hands ever.

  2. Look at her face; such a cutie. Looking forward to her healing inside and out. My prayers to Clarabella. She’s gonna be fine in your hands, John.

  3. I will never get tired of saying this!!! I LOVE John Flores. He is an inspiration to me. I hope one day I can do what he does. Clarabella is another example of a life needing saving. John looks past all the negative and only sees what she deserves: A SECOND CHANCE. I can’t wait to see Clarabella’s new life with a new family some day, whether next week or next month. It doesn’t really matter because she is safe and is in the best hands until her new family comes to take her home.

  4. I <3 you.

  5. Macie Mendoza : August 12, 2014 at 1:29 pm

    Oh the tears♥

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