Pack Walk 2014 – Priceless Pets Pittie Crew

Pack Walk 2014 - Priceless Pets Pittie Crew

pw_bl_mainIf you’ve been following my blog for the short amount of time it’s been up, you will know how much I like to push people to spay and neuter their pets. It’s the biggest solution to cutting down the number of animals that die every year. And if you didn’t know, it’s in the MILLIONS!!

On June 7th, The Priceless Pets Pittie Crew will be putting on their first ever Pack Walk! This event is open to ALL breeds of dogs! Not only will this walk promote the bully breeds and prove the negative stereotypes wrong but 100% of ALL FUNDS RAISED will be put towards FREE spay/neuter clinics for the community! Yes, there are other Pack Walks but Priceless Pets is putting it out there exactly WHERE the money is going to!

The more I get involved in animal rescue the more I realize just how important spay/neuter is. I know money is hard to come by but fixing your pet IS responsible pet ownership! I also feel like so many cities across the nation are quick to put animals down because when it comes down to it, it costs money to keep them alive. The pet industry is a 50 BILLION dollar a year
pw_bl_3industry! And yes, that involves spay and neutering. If these shelters across the country were so “humane” and really cared about the welfare of the animals, cats and dogs would get fixed for free…all the time. Any teenager can walk into a “Planned Parenthood” and get free birth control with no questions asked! Meanwhile, no-kill shelters like Priceless Pets are scrambling to save these animals but if we don’t cut down on the number of dogs being born we will NEVER be able to change anything. I could go on and on about this…

The point of today’s blog is this. Priceless Pets is putting on a Pack Walk. 100% of the money we raise will go to FREE spay and neutering because we understand that not everyone can afford the pw_bl_5outrageous amount that it costs to fix your pet. No, we can’t make you do anything but we can take the excuse away that is costs too much!

Penny, Elvis and I have started our own “IPittytheBull” team for this walk. I understand a lot of our readers are in other states and countries but we have started a pledge program! Trust me, $1 dollar helps out more than you know!

I know we are far from changing the world but we are doing everything we can to change our community. And you can’t change the world if you can’t start with your hometown.

If you would like to help make a difference, go to my Race Roster page HERE and make a pledge.  Anything will help!
